
SSD-ASi Evangelism (1)

Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI)

Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) is an organization of Seventh-day Adventist church members who own or work in business, in professional vocations, in self-supporting ministries and in private and public sectors.


SSD-ASI program aim to foster bonding among members, build friendship, and learn the essential skills and knowledge to be successful in business and sharing Christ.


SSD-ASI sponsored projects bring needed support to start or sustain the business / ministry, and be a channel to share Christ.


ASI Asia Pacific Convention is an annual big gathering with a specific theme. It is designed to provide spiritual enrichment, camaraderie, networking, and learning sessions for SDA business owners, professionals, supporting ministries, and church leaderships.

Become an ASI member

 SSD-ASI collects a special offering used to sponsor preselected ministry projects during ASI Asia Pacific Convention. Ministries must apply for sponsorship on or before December 31 of the prior year, and they are required to provide progress reports to ASI to verify that the funds are being used in a timely manner and for the originally designated purpose.

SSD-ASI, sharing Christ in the marketplace.